Date and place of birth: April 13th, Udine (Italy).
School career: High School Diploma at Giovanni Sello Public Art School in Udine (Italy).
(Fiber Art)
Apprenticeship: in-depth analysis of ceramic art while working at local craftsmen's and artists' workshops.
Opening of my own studio in Reana del Rojale, Udine (Italy).
Organization of cultural events proposed by UnioneVeriAmici Cultural Association of Povoletto, Udine (Italy).
New collaborations with kindergartens, primary and middle schools, disability services associations and museums to teach experimental art subjects 
in harmony with the experiences documented by Bruno Munari.
Elementary/advanced chalcography course at Giuseppina Lesa's studio in Udine (Italy).
Stone sculpture course done by two artists from the Liguria Region, Urlich Muller and Maria Claudia Farina, in Udine (Italy).
Collaborations with international Piasentina stone sculpture syimposiums in Reana del Rojale,Udine (Italy).
Marble sculpture course done by a Friulian asrtist, Giorgio Eros Morandini, in Udine (Italy).
Creator and curator of 1st National Contest of Ceramic Art called 'CavilloART 2002 - Rosso per un interno' in Povoletto, Udine (Italy).
Opening of a new studio of experimental art in Ravosa di Povoletto, Udine (Italy).
Organization of and participation in research courses of ceramic techniques (raku, soft raku, naked raku, majolica painting, oxidized roll, etc.) done by
ceramic teachers and artists coming from all cities of ancient ceramic traditions. Among them was Romano Ranieri from Deruta (Pesaro-Urbino), Italy.
Creator and curator of 2nd National Contest of Ceramic Art called 'CavilloART 2004 -  La memoria della forma' in Povoletto, Udine (Italy).
Participation in Giuseppina Lesa's seminar, 'Stage sulla creatività', in Udine (Italy).
In-depth study of fiber art.
Elementary course of felt and fiber natural dyes.
Research courses reagarding hand weaving by means of big foot pedal looms.
