

Le "maglie rosa" dell'artigianato FVG

Cividale del Friuli 2016
 Rassegna "Artigianato del FVG al Giro d'Italia 2016"
dal 29 aprile al 29 maggio 2016

Confartigianato Udine presenta le "maglie rosa" dell'artigianato del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Inaugurazione 29 aprile ore 18.00 nella Ex Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Battuti a Cividale del Friuli (UD)
via Borgo di Ponte 5-6

orari apertura:
ven. 17.00-19.30
sab.-dom. 10.00-19.30
venerdì 20 maggio (giorno di tappa del Giro d'Italia) dalle 10.00 alle 19.30



"S A C tiare&scus" -Udine- Italia 2014

Un progetto ideato e realizzato da SONIA CASARI
per la valorizzazione della sua terra d'origine.

L'intera collezione di borse sarà esposta alla Vetrina del Rojale

dal 22 novembre 2014
al 22 gennaio 2015

via del Municipio,11-Remugnano di Reana del Rojale (UD) ITALIA


mart. e giov. ore 10.00 -12.00
ven. e sab. ore 15.00 -18.00

o previa chiamata al 349 6089293 - 349 4244611 (anche domenica e festivi)



"Intersections" Gorizia - Italy 2014

Not only people, cultures and traditions mix up ... Men mix up. Men meet themselves.
Their earthly and material nature melts down and completes itself in the spiritual essence, in the bright energy which has always belonged - more or less
consciously - to them.
The tapestry represents both elements: tangible matter and light. Yarns intersect one another, weaves alternate with one another and amalgamate with the
warp by forming a dark colored symbolic column in the middle ot the tapestry and developing upwards supported by its reinforced structure and its silver shine.
Though men still reach out and long for the light, they cannot lead their lives by excluding their own physical identity. In their current life experience men
will always be present in both dimensions, which are undoubtly connected to each other and complimentary. (Sonia Casari)



"Passages", Cividale del Friuli (UD), Italy 2013

Solo exhibition held at Palazzo ex Monte di Pietà in Cividale del Friuli.
Main project: 'Learn a trade and it will stand you in good stead' (Udine - Italy) 2013
Through this exhibition Sonia Casari wanted to show a new woman's image, that is the image of a woman who has accidentally become an artist. Her goal was to
feed the visitor's eyes and mind with the work done by female artists' hands who talk and ask us to follow them by means of both traditional and
experimental  techniques.
The project was meant to be a chance for everybody to travel through an artistic production made by women.
Well-known female artists and unknwon talents were brought together to confront one another and share different paths. Nevertheless their common ground was
their ability to give life to unique works of art, which are the direct result of their creativity.



Icmea 2013 - China

4th International Ceramic Magazine Editors Association ICMEA 2013 Symposium EMERGING ARTISTS COMPETITION Fuping, Shaanxi Province (China) 2013
Fuping tells an extraordinary story of ceramic art.
Numerous scholars and art critics attended 4th ICMEA Symposium.
Inside the pavillions you could breathe the essence of the approach that this country has to art.
Sonia Casari's work of art, 'Waters of light', was a finalist and it was donated to the Standing Ceramic Art Museum of Fuping.
It represented small water provisions which we must watch and safeguard so as to give a new chance at life to the lands that seem irreparably dead.
It was a message of love and hope for our Planet Earth.